Bill Maher Destroys Dinesh D’Souza

Bill Maher Destroys Dinesh D’Souza

Dinesh D’Souza appeared on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher in 2012 to promote his film The Roots of Obama’s Rage.  The movie promotes the central thesis that that Obama was influenced by his father’s anti-Colonialist views. Bill Maher completely tore D’Souza apart on the facts beginning with healthcare. Responding to Bill Maher’s statement that: […]

Jon Stewart – The Mitt Romney Story

Jon Stewart – The Mitt Romney Story

As part of his RNC 2012 – The Countdown to Jeb Bush 2016 coverage of the GOP National Convention, Jon Stewart presents the Mitt Romney Story. “‘Mitt Romney: A Human Being Who Built That’ recounts the self-made businessman’s rise from public housing and the Vietnam War, to his presidential self-reconstruction”. You can watch the video […]

Celebrities Speak Out about Clint Eastwood’s Empty Chair Speech

Celebrities Speak Out about Clint Eastwood’s Empty Chair Speech

Clint Eastwood’s confusing speech at the Republican National Convention has people talking – and not always in the nicest of terms.  [Watch the video below] Celebrities are reacting today to the speech including President Obama.  According to NBC: “This seat’s taken,” Obama tweeted shortly afterward and attached a photo showing the back of his noggin as […]

“Paul Ryan is long on style, shorter on facts.”

“Paul Ryan is long on style, shorter on facts.”

Paul Ryan’s speech at the Republican National Convention in Tampa was full of wrong and misleading statements. If you’ve seen any coverage of it, you know that the consensus among journalists and independent observers is that it was factually challenged. As the National Journal stated: “Paul Ryan is long on style, shorter on facts.” He […]

Romney invested in medical waste company that disposes aborted fetuses

Romney invested in medical waste company that disposes aborted fetuses

Mitt Romney invested in Stericycle, a massive medical waste disposal service company that disposes medical waste from Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics — waste that includes aborted fetuses — and attracts the ire of the pro-life community and establishment Republicans. The company received a $75 million investment from Bain Capital in 1999 which led to its […]