Colbert Report takes on Bain

Colbert Report takes on Bain

Noting Bain was just like the Donner party – “they ate the weak”, Stephen Colbert took on Mitt Romney and Bain in a hilarious video this Monday entitled: Mitt Romney’s Retroactive Retirement from Bain Capital, If Barack Obama wins the presidential race, Mitt Romney can just say he retroactively retired from it in 2009.   […]

6 Right-Wing Poverty Myths and Racial Stereotypes Debunked

6 Right-Wing Poverty Myths and Racial Stereotypes Debunked

It’s time to call out conservative poverty myths and racial stereotypes. MYTH 1:  Nearly all the primary recipients of assistance through federal benefit programs are African-Americans. Reality: 35.7 percent of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, recipients and 43 percent of those on Medicaid—two of the largest public benefit programs—are white.  MYTH 2:  The main […]

4 Effective Ways to Fight the Tea Party

4 Effective Ways to Fight the Tea Party

1. ADVOCATE TRUTHFULNESS: Don’t idly standby while others spout out talking points they don’t understand absorbed from too much time on Fox News or listening to conservative pundits who distort the truth such as Limbaugh, Beck or O’Reilly. You can use Twitter, Facebook and other online portals to take-on Tea Party lies and mindless conservative […]