4 Effective Ways to Fight the Tea Party

4 Effective Ways to Fight the Tea Party

1. ADVOCATE TRUTHFULNESS: Don’t idly standby while others spout out talking points they don’t understand absorbed from too much time on Fox News or listening to conservative pundits who distort the truth such as Limbaugh, Beck or O’Reilly. You can use Twitter, Facebook and other online portals to take-on Tea Party lies and mindless conservative […]

12 Racist quotes by Rush Limbaugh

12 Racist quotes by Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh needs no introduction.  Below is but a very small portion of the hateful things he has said about minorities. 1. “The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.” Source 2. “Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?” Source 3. […]

An Indecent Proposal for Sheldon Adelson (explicit)

An Indecent Proposal for Sheldon Adelson (explicit)

Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson has committed $100 million to defeat Barack Obama. Sarah Silverman has a proposal for Mitt Romney’s most generous supporter in this hilarious, and somewhat naughty and completely humorous video produced by Barnacle Studios, with  Amy York Rubin as director/producer. For more info and to sign the a petition to keep Adelson’s money out […]

Conservatives begin questioning Romney’s motives

Conservatives begin questioning Romney’s motives

It’s not just the left who are  demanding that Mitt Romney release his income tax returns, now conservatives have joined the chorus.  In the last week, several Republicans have advised Romney to release his returns. That list includes former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, former RNC chairman Michael Steele and Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley and others. […]