By Samuel Warde on
Arts & Sciences, Entertainment, Videos

The Hungarian theater company, Attraction, left the Britain’s Got Talent judges speechless and teary eyed after performing a stunning portrayel of one couple’s love story and subsequent tragedy, conveying strong emotion through their exquisite movements which were projected as shadows on a screen. The riveting performance left the live audience in tears, and brought judges Simon Cowell, David Walliams, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Arts & Sciences, Entertainment, Videos

“Louie Schwartzberg is an award-winning cinematographer, director and producer who captures breathtaking images that celebrate life — revealing connections, universal rhythms, patterns and beauty. Louis Schwartzberg’s notable career spans feature films, television shows, commercials and documentaries. He won two Clio Awards for TV advertising, including best environmental broadcast spot, an Emmy nomination for best cinematography […]
By Samuel Warde on
Arts & Sciences, Entertainment, Interviews, Videos

How did Neil deGrasse Tyson get hooked on science? Find out when Neil and host of StarTalk Radio answers a fan’s question on how to become an astrophysicist. Plus, Neil answers comic co-host Chuck Nice’s question about how to develop a love of science and physics before it’s too late! Enjoy this StarTalk Radio “Behind […]
By Samuel Warde on
Arts & Sciences, Health & Fitness, Humor, Videos

It’s the number one topic for internet searches, but do we ever consider how pornography can have lasting neuroplastic effects? Discover the hard science behind the ‘porn epidemic’ – the internet’s drug of choice. Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz). TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Mitchell Moffit […]
By Samuel Warde on
Religion, Videos
Arts & Sciences, Education, Religion, Videos

19 year old activist, Zack Kopplin, talks with Bill Moyers about his campaign to keep creationism out of public classrooms. “[W]e need to be teaching evolution and embryology and the big bang theory because, you know, while he [creationist Representative Broun] may think they’re lies from the pit of hell, they’re not,” Kopplin tells Bill. “They’re […]