By Samuel Warde on
Brett Kavanaugh allegations, Republican Disregard for womens bodies, Republican haste to confirm Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh, Republican Misogyny, Republican obstruction, Seth Abramson
Abuse of Power, Congressional Hearings, Human Interest, Legal Justice, Misogyny, Republican Indifference, Republicans, SCOTUS, The Courts, Women's Issues

“Given Ramirez’s corroboration, the ample time to hear from her, and the gravity of the vote, this is as obscene a statement of the GOP’s disregard for women’s bodies as we’ve ever seen.” ~Seth Abramson Editor’s Note: Samuel Wynn Warde is the editor-in-chief of Liberals Unite as well as a contributor. The opinions expressed in this […]
By Samuel Warde on
Brett Cavanaugh extended testimony, Brett Kavanaugh Accusations, Brett Kavanaugh accuser, Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing, Christine Blasey Ford, Scandals, Supreme Court Scandal Kavanaugh
Congressional Hearings, Scandals, SCOTUS, The Courts

Brett Kavanaugh appears to have confirmed a key element regarding Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation while attempting to spin the matter during a Monday appearance on Fox News. Editor’s Note: Samuel Wynn Warde is the editor-in-chief of Liberals Unite as well as a contributor. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his own. You can view a list of […]
By Samuel Warde on
Anita Hill versus Christine Ford, Brett Kavanaugh, Brett Kavanaugh allegations, Brett Kavanaugh confirmation, Christine Blasey Ford, Christine Ford allegations, Repeat of Anita Hill?, Vote on Supreme Court nominee likely delayed
Congressional Hearings, Controversy, Scandals, SCOTUS, The Courts

As The Washington Post and others have pointed out, Kavanaugh’s accuser is “remarkably credible.” Controversy surrounds the pending confirmation of Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in light of last week’s allegation of sexual misconduct by California professor Christine Blasey Ford. At the very least, a full Senate vote is likely to be delayed. At […]
By Samuel Warde on
Benghazi Investigation, Elijah Cummings, Ethics in Government Act, Government Ethics, Hillary Clinton investigation, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House Oversight, House Select Committee on Benghazi, Obstruction of Justice, Trey Gowdy, Trey Gowdy forged documents, White House Ethics Violations
Congressional Hearings, Congressional Investigations, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation

There were no-holds-barred when Republicans were going after Hillary Clinton over Benghazi. Those same Republicans are now trying to impede the efforts to investigate Donald Trump. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) reportedly committed high crimes while serving as the chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi. Now he is trying to thwart Congressional efforts to […]
By Samuel Warde on
conservatives, Obstructing Justice, Political Commentary, Political Strategist, Republican Logic, Republican Strategist Steve Schmidt, Republican-Led Witch Hunters, Seth Abramson, witch hunt
Congress, Congressional Hearings, Congressional Investigations, Conservatives, Conspiracy Theories, Republican Logic, Republicans

Seth Abramson and Steve Schmidt teamed up this week to shred GOP efforts to protect Trump. True, there is a witch hunt happening but it’s not being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller – it originates in the GOP. Salon reported about this week’s disgraceful grilling of FBI agent Peter Strzok by House Republicans: The […]