By Samuel Warde on
Bill Maher, Fox News, politics, Religion, Videos, War on Christians
Fox News, Humor, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, Smackdowns, Videos

Bill Maher had a great segment last night on the so-called #WarOnChristians being waged by Democrats and the mainstream media. Maher began with a New Rule: “Conservatives who constantly whine that Christianity is under attack from liberals have to explain why there are over 300,000 churches in the U.S. but only 400 Whole Foods,” adding […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Caitlyn Jenner, Fox News, transgender, Vanity Fair
Fox News, Republican Logic, Republicans, Videos

The bigots of Fox “News” repeatedly made fun of Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair debut as a woman on a Fox Business segment Monday. Neil Cavuto introduced the segment by asking in an exaggerated announcer voice, “What the hell is going on?!?” Cavuto also misidentified Jenner by using male pronouns. Reporter Dagen Mcdowell incorrectly use the […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bill Maher, Bill O'Reilly, Killer Mike, Videos
Fox News, Humor, Videos

Rapper Killer Mike appeared Real Time With Bill Maher Friday night to talk race relations, recent events in Baltimore and the link between crime and rap music. While on the show, Killer Mike took the opportunity to rip Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, who frequently blames rap music for all the woes in society. I […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
feminist, FOX, mansplainer
Economics, Feminism, Fox News, Women's Issues

A Sean Hannity panel got rather heated when mansplainer Gavin McInnes asserted that women in America are unhappy because they “put work over family.” Of course he blamed feminism – because that’s what conservatives do, particularly on Fox News. McInnes parroted the GOP talking point that women earn less than men because they “choose to” […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
feminism, marriage rate, Suzanne Venker
Feminism, Fox News, Women's Issues

Suzanne Venker is the niece of Anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly. If you are not aware, Schlafly is the reason Americans don’t have constitutional protection against gender discrimination. Her Stop ERA campaign was successful and the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) has not yet been enshrined into the Constitution. Schlafly’s niece, Venker, recognized there was money to be made […]