Gun Control

NRA Ad Brings Obama Children Into Gun Debate: The White House Fires Back

NRA Ad Brings Obama Children Into Gun Debate: The White House Fires Back

The National Rifle Association has posted a new video on its website calling President Obama “an elitist hypocrite” for having Secret Service protection on his daughters while dismissing the NRA’s suggestion to put armed guards in schools. “Are the president’s kids more important than yours? Then why is he skeptical about putting armed security in […]

NRA Releases ‘Practice Range’ shooting app for 4 year olds

NRA Releases ‘Practice Range’ shooting app for 4 year olds

“Guns don’t kill people. Video games, the media and Obama’s budget kill people,” NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre stated during a Dec. 21 press conference where he addressed the tragedy at Sandy Hook. “There exists in this country, sadly, a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells and stows violence against its own […]

Ann Coulter: U.S. has ‘demographic problem’ with non-whites ‘not a gun problem’

Ann Coulter visited Sean Hannity’s show Monday night to discuss President Obama’s recent cabinet picks as well as his possible actions on gun control. Coulter said she had just come back from England where they have “not bought into” the “diversity enthusiasm” of the States. “The liberals,” Coulter claimed, are “pushing and pushing and pushing” […]

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Armed Volunteers To Patrol Schools

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Armed Volunteers To Patrol Schools

Arizona Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, has announced plans to deploy his all-volunteer posse to guard Phoenix area schools in the wake of the recent shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut. In the video below, Sheriff Arpaio tells local news station, KTVK-TV, that he has full authority to mobilize armed private citizens to fight crime, including […]

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