By Samuel Warde on
France supports Iran Nuclear Deal, Germany Supports Iran Nuclear Deal, Iran Nuclear Deal, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Nuclear crisis in North Korea, Nuclear War, Syria, The Sydney Morning Herald, United Kingdom Supports Iran Deal, USA Brings the world closer to nuclear war, USA Withdrawal from Iran Nuclear Deal, Yemen
Activism, Defense, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, North Korea, War, War and Peace

“The world is a step closer to a potentially catastrophic war because the American president is distressed about revelations that he paid off a porn star to cover up an affair.” ~ The Sydney Morning Herald The Sydney Morning Herald, the oldest continuously published newspaper in Australia and a national online news brand, published a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Kim Jung-un, Media Attention, North Korea Negotiations, North Korea Policy Dispute, North Korea War, Nuclear Proliferation by North Korea, Nuclear Threat, Nuclear War, White House saber-rattling
Defense, Foreign Policy, History, Homeland Security, Human Interest

Trump is unnecessarily putting American lives at risk in an effort to quench his insatiable need for media attention. Trump has consistently lowered the bar when it comes to being despicable. He claims to cherish women; however, as Huffington Post reported, over the years Trump “has consistently insulted, belittled, sexualized and stereotyped women. He has also taken the time to personally […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ann Coulter, Border Security, diversity in America, Immigration Issues, John Bolton, Mexican Border Wall, National Security, Obama Legacy, Republican-Led Congress Gives Obama Legacy a Boost, Stormy Daniels Scandal, USA Mexico Border Wall, War with North Korea
Barack Obama, Border Security, DACA, Defense, Homeland Security, Immigration, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter Battles, Twitter Tantrum

Loyal to nothing other than her own bigotry and greed, Ann Coulter unleashes a Twitter tirade on Trump this week and mocks Trump in a Tuesday night speech. Clarifying to one Twitter user that she is “former Trump” which is much “more formidable than ‘never Trump,’” conservative pundit, author and public speaker Ann Coulter took […]
By Samuel Warde on
Basic Human Rights, Black Ops, Black Sites, Extraordinary Interrogation, Geneva Convention Violations, Homeland Security versus basid human rights, Human Rights, Interrogation Techniques, Secret Prisons, Torture
Homeland Security, Human Interest, Human Rights

Trump vowed during his campaign to bring back outlawed interrogation techniques like waterboarding and “much worse,” and his new pick to head the CIA has a troubling history of overseeing these inhumane practices. America’s debate over the use of torture took front stage in the wake of Trump’s nomination of Gina Haspel to head the CIA. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Army Specialist Jason Edens, Ashley Edens, Heart-Wrenching Photo That Shows The Painful Cost Of War, Human Interest, The Cost of War, the costs of war runs far deeper than many Americans realize, the families of those who gave their lives in war, the high cost of war, the possibility of war if a republican wins, war and the tragic loss of human lives, we have lost our perspective on war
Defense, Homeland Security, Human Interest, National Security, Veterans Affairs, War

With all the saber-rattling coming from the White House, the world’s attention is focused on the all too real possibility of war. As Liberals Unite reported earlier this month: “Trump is showing a real willingness to gamble with the lives of millions as his saber-rattling with North Korea extends beyond his Twitter account.” Newsweek reported […]