By Samuel Warde on
America Gun Homicide Rate, background checks, Children killed with guns, Domestic guns, Everytown, Firearm Deaths, Gun Homicides, gun violence, Gunfire Deaths, Guns by the Numbers, Newtown, Suicides, War-related deaths
Firearms, Gun Control, Gun lovers, Human Interest, Human Rights

Research reveals some figures the NRA would rather us not know. The NRA is scrambling to defend their arcane perspective on guns and the Second Amendment in the wake of recent mass shootings and the efforts of the March for Our Lives movement. As Vox reported earlier this week, March for Our Lives “could win by […]
By Samuel Warde on
March for Our Lives, March For Our Lives Movement, Preventing School Shootings, Reasonable Gun Restrictions, Save Our Children, Saving School Children, school shootings, Student Activists, Teen Activists, Tomi Lahren
Activism, Gun Control, Gun lovers, Human Interest, Human Rights

Tomi Lahren got destroyed this weekend after making a complete fool of herself on Twitter. Self-proclaimed “constitutional conservative” Tomi Lahren has been extremely vocal regarding her pro-gun stance since the tragic mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where seventeen people were killed and an additional seventeen wounded on February 14, […]
By Samuel Warde on
It's On Us Campaign, Joe Biden, Joe Biden Anti-Bullying Campaign, Joe Biden Campus Assault, Protecting college women
Bullying, Human Interest, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter Tantrum

Trump takes to Twitter to bully Joe Biden after the former vice president spoke out against Trump for disrespecting women. Trump took to his Twitter account first thing Thursday morning (6:19 a.m. to be exact) to bully Joe Biden. “Crazy Joe Biden is trying to act like a tough guy. Actually, he is weak, both […]
By Samuel Warde on
Access Hollywood Tape, Campus Assault, Defending Women, It's On Us, Joe Biden, Protecting Women
Human Interest, Smackdowns, Speeches, Uncategorized, Violence against women, Women's Issues

A war of words broke out Tuesday after Joe Biden lashed out at Trump, comparing him to the “fattest, ugliest SOB in the room.” ABC News reported that Vice President Joe Biden spoke out against Trump and his history of disrespecting women at a Tuesday night anti-rally for his ‘It’s On Us’ advocacy group that […]
By Samuel Warde on
Anti-Bullying Campaign, Cyber-Bullying, Cyberbullying, hypocrisy, melania trump, Melania Trump Anti-Bullying Campaign, Online Bullying
Bullying, Human Interest, Social Media

Not wanting to be outdone by her husband, Melania has managed to stoop to Trumpian levels of hypocrisy all by herself. Melania Trump, America’s First Lady, vowed to take on cyberbullying during a November 3, 2016 speech before her husband was even elected. [Not that there seems to be any doubt that he stole the […]