By Samuel Warde on
2016 Olympic Games helps feed the poor, Leftover Olympic Food Used to Feed the Poor, Massimo Bottura feeds to poor in Rio, Solving World Hunger Using Leftovers
Activism, Human Interest, World News

Thousands of meals are being prepared daily to feed the poor using leftover Olympic food. Noted Italian chef Massimo Bottura and other international chefs have created an initiative to feed the poor in Brazil using leftover food from the Olympic games. Bottura’s restaurants have been listed in the top 5 of The World’s 50 Best […]
By Samuel Warde on
Benghazi Attack, Chris Stevens Family Blasts Republicans, Chris Stevens Family Does Not Blame Hillary Clinton, Politicizing the Benghazi Tragedy, Politicizing Tragedy for Political Gain, republican indifference
Election 2016, Human Interest, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Republican Indifference, Republican Logic, Republicans

The family of Chris Stevens does not blame Clinton for his death – blasts Republicans for politicizing the Benghazi attack. Mary Commanday, the mother of the U.S. ambassador killed in the 2012 attack in Benghazi, is asking the Republican Party and Donald Trump to stop the “opportunistic and cynical” use of her son’s death to […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
2016 election, graduation speech, Humor, political teens, presidential candidates
Election 2016, Human Interest, Humor

This entertaining Chicago teen has a bright future in show business! When Chicago student Jack Aiello graduated the eighth grade, he delivered a unique and highly entertaining speech honoring the 2016 election year. Aiello charmed the audience with impersonations of Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and President Obama. From Trump’s self-aggrandizing praise to […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
coming out, coming out of the closet, gay, gay rights., God Loves Gays, God Loves Us All, homosexuals, LGBT, LGBT Community, LGBT interests, LGBT Issues, tolerance
Discrimination, gay rights, Human Interest, LGBT Issues

My father asked me if I was gay. I said, “Does it really matter? My good friend Steve is gay. We’ve known each other since 1990, and I consider him to be part of my family. He is one of the sweetest, funniest, smartest, and warmest friends I have. He always has a shoulder for […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Bias Against Female Veterans, female veterans, gender discrimination, Giving women the benefit of the doubt, response to sexist note, Veteran Responds to Nasty Note, Veterans Issues
Activism, Discrimination, Human Interest, Military, Women's Issues

This female Navy Veteran has a fierce response to a nasty note for parking in a spot reserved for veterans. North Carolina resident and 8 year Navy veteran Rebecca Landis Hayes parked in a spot reserved for veterans when she needed to make a quick run in at the grocery store chain, Harris Teeter, on […]