Human Interest

Westboro Baptist Church Neighbor House Painted Rainbow For Gay Pride (VIDEO)

Westboro Baptist Church Neighbor House Painted Rainbow For Gay Pride (VIDEO)

The Westboro Baptist Church is in for a big surprise as Aaron Jackson, one of the founders of Planting Peace, a multi-pronged charity, purchased a house across the street from their headquarters in Topeka, Kansas and painted it rainbow colors today. Jackson decided to paint the house the rainbow colors of the gay flag as […]

The Ultimate Anti-Gay Marriage Ad (VIDEO)

The Ultimate Anti-Gay Marriage Ad (VIDEO)

Can you imagine THE HORROR???? Not. A couple confronts the horrific consequences of same-sex marriage. Starring: Dixie Perkinson, David Storch, and Lainee Rhodes. Director: Matthew Scott Hunter Writer/Editor: Brandon Muller Special thanks to Helen Rhodes and family. Four plates were harmed during the making of this video. 1996 Supercross Champion: Jeremy McGrath Kimberley A. […]