By Kimberley Johnson on
Atheists, Mike Huckabee, Secular, Theocracy, Videos
Elections, Interviews, Politics, Religion, Republican Logic, Videos

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee said on Thursday that if he was elected president then he would have “God’s blessing” to fight a “secular theocracy” created by atheists Pandering to the religious right on the Christian Life Today program, Huckabee told televangelist host James Robinson that he’s considering running in 2016 because he believes America needs to become a “God-centered […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ethics, Human Interest, Morality, Religion, Torture, Weird News
Controversy, Defense, Religion, Weird News

Maybe they will finally get their wish once Donald Trump assumes office. Over two-thirds of Christians in the United States support the torture of terrorist suspects according to a poll from last year. The poll, conducted by The Washington Post shortly after the 2015 release of the CIA torture report, asked participants: Q: Looking ahead, […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
homophobia, LGBT Issues, Religion
LGBT Issues, Religion, Religious Intolerance, Uncategorized

The Denver Post is reporting that Ray Chavez, a minister in Lakewood, Colorado, refused to perform a memorial service for a 33-year-old woman, Vanessa Collier, last Saturday. Her friends and family say it’s because she was gay. A Facebook event for today, January 13, was created to rally protestors: “Dignity in Death Rally for our […]
By Samuel Warde on
Charlie Hebdo, Islam, Militants, Terrorism
Religion, Terrorism, Videos, World News

Post by Dar al-Iftaa in Egypt. Egypt’s official Religious Edict Authority, known as Dar El Ifta, has warned Charlie Hebdo against publishing its new issue, featuring a cartoon image of the Prophet Muhammad on its cover. Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical weekly magazine has been the target of two attacks by suspected Islamist militants, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Pope Francis, Tragedies
Pope Francis, Religion, Speeches, World News

Pope Francis criticized “deviant forms of religion” in the wake of the Islamist terror attacks in Paris last week. In his “State of the World” address to the diplomatic corps today,, Pope Francis referred to the “tragic slayings in Paris”. Quoting from his Message for the “2015 World Day of Peace” from December 8 2014, […]