The Tea Party

Michele Bachmann’s Stupidity Baffles O’Reilly (VIDEO)

Michele Bachmann’s Stupidity Baffles O’Reilly (VIDEO)

Bill O’Reilly squared off with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann last year, challenging her on why the GOP is so unpopular. Bachmann blamed it on the media, but O’Reilly shot back that the media’s doing a lot of anti-Obamacare reporting lately, which should help Republicans, and so it can’t just be a problem with how the media […]

Sarah Palin to Paul Ryan: ‘I Didn’t Misunderstand’ Your Budget IS ‘Trouble’ (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin to Paul Ryan: ‘I Didn’t Misunderstand’ Your Budget IS ‘Trouble’ (VIDEO)

When Paul Ryan released his budget plan, it was met with a negative reaction from Tea Party leaders, including Sarah Palin who posted a scathing critique on her Facebook page. On Thursday in a conversation with Sean Hannity, Ryan dismissed Sarah Palin’s criticism of his budget as a “misunderstanding” and a lack of information. Palin […]

Fundraising Questions Raised About Sarah Palin’s Sketchy PAC

Fundraising Questions Raised About Sarah Palin’s Sketchy PAC

The Center for Responsive Politics is reporting that Sarah Palin’s PAC, SarahPAC, spent more than $4.8 million on consultants while doling out $298,500 to candidates for the 2012 election cycle. Serious question are being raised, not only concerning the distribution of funds, but also over the fact that more money is being spent than is […]

The Time The Irish President Took Down The Tea Party – Video

The Time The Irish President Took Down The Tea Party – Video

A Tea Party member decided to pick a fight with the President of Ireland. It didn’t go so well. Leave it to the Irish to teach their American cousins a thing or two about the ancient art of intelligent debate with an unarmed opponent. This is a great time to look back at a 2010 […]

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