Women’s Issues

Chelsea Handler To Men: Who The F*** Are You To Tell Someone to Smile? – Video

Chelsea Handler To Men: Who The F*** Are You To Tell Someone to Smile? – Video

Chelsea Handler has a message for men who tell women to smile. Handler isn’t afraid to call it like she sees it, and her rant about men telling women to smile is a must-see. It’s not only entertaining and funny; she nails it. After citing a tweet by RNC Chair Reince Priebus criticizing Hillary Clinton […]

Don’t Allow Anti-Feminist Icon Phyllis Schlafly To Have The Last Word on Gender Equality

Don’t Allow Anti-Feminist Icon Phyllis Schlafly To Have The Last Word on Gender Equality

In an ironic twist of fate, conservative anti-feminist and anti-union activist Phyllis Schlafly passed away on Labor Day. I have written about Schlafly in several blogs, on FB and in my book American Woman: The Poll Dance. I spoke ill of her while she was alive. I have no desire to speak ill of her […]

‘No Means No’ – ‘Rape’ Perfectly Defined

‘No Means No’ – ‘Rape’ Perfectly Defined

The perfect explanation for men who can not or will not get the concept that “no means no.” As it turns out, the concept of “no means no” eludes the comprehension of many men. NPR reports they are concerned that the “no means no” standard brings “ambiguity into investigations of sexual assault cases.” California Gov. […]

New Sweeping Equal Pay Law Bans Employers From Asking For Salary Histories

New Sweeping Equal Pay Law Bans Employers From Asking For Salary Histories

Massachusetts’ new equal pay law unanimously passed the state legislature, and Republican Gov. Charlie Baker has signed it into law. Massachusetts has not only become the first state to ban employers from asking potential employees about their salary histories, the state also bans salary secrecy between employees and mandates that employers pay men and women the same  – […]

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