By Samuel Warde on
Commentary, Religion, Videos
Arts & Sciences, Exclusives, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Politics, Religion, Videos

It seems like a weekly occurrence for the GOP to cause rational thinking Americans to wonder how they ever passed 5th grade science. One consistency in their complete and utter ignorance is that it is almost always based on their religious beliefs. This is by no means an attack on faith, but rather a clarification […]
By Samuel Warde on
LGBT Issues, Videos
LGBT Issues, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Politics, Social Justice, Videos

Why are some Americans so strongly opposed to gay marriage? Henry Rollins is convinced that not so many people are actually opposed. Instead he sees it as a fundraising tool for small fringe groups. Henry Rollins is an American singer-songwriter, spoken word artist, writer, comedian,publisher, actor, and radio DJ.After performing for the short-lived Washington D.C.-based […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Commentary, Videos, Women's issues
Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Social Justice, Videos, Women's Issues, World News

Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani teen who is an activist for education for girls and women’s rights. In her home of Swat Valley, the Taliban often banned education for girls. In 2009, when she was just twelve, she penned a blog under a pseudonym for the BBC and exposed what it was like to live under Taliban rule. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Commentary, Videos
Economics, Fox News, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Videos

Patriotic Millionaire Eric Schoenberg leaves Fox Business host Stuart Varney speechless at 3:51. In November 2010, during the lame duck session negotiations on extending unemployment benefits, more than 100 millionaires came together to urge the President not to extend cuts to individuals earning above $1 million per year. The group is now comprised of over […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Commentary, Women's issues
Exclusives, Human Interest, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Women's Issues

Anti feminist Suzanne Venker wrote an article for Fox “News” titled “To Be Happy, We Must Admit Women and Men Aren’t Equal,” to promote her book about how women should basically shut the hell up about equality, surrender and be complicit. Here’s the irony: without realizing it, the picture used to promote the article was […]