Opinion / Open Letters / Rants

National Review Anti-Feminist Blames School Shooting On ‘Feminized Setting’

National Review Anti-Feminist Blames School Shooting On ‘Feminized Setting’

by Kimberley Johnson Anti-feminist Charlotte Allen of The National Review suggested that the Sandy Hook Newtown shooting occurred because, “There was not a single adult male on the school premises when the shooting occurred.” She goes on to say, “In this school of 450 students, a sizeable number of whom were undoubtedly 11- and 12-year-old boys (it […]

Vermont Leaders Run From Substantive Debate on F-35 Fighter

Vermont Leaders Run From Substantive Debate on F-35 Fighter

By William Boardman    [email protected] Judging by their behavior, Vermont’s highest elected officials don’t much care if a thousand or more Vermonters lose their homes to the world’s most expensive weapons system. That level of residential destruction is what the U.S. Air Force anticipates in its own environmental impact statement:  basing the F-35 nuclear capable fighter-bomber […]

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