By Samuel Warde on
discrimination against women, Do Republicans hate women, equal wages for women, fair pay for women, reproductive healthcare for women and Republicans, Republican war on women, Republicans and misogyny, Teenage Activist Madison Kimrey, Women's issues
Activism, Bigotry, Discrimination, Domestic Violence, Election 2016, Equal Rights, Feminism, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Reproductive Rights, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Indifference, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Smackdowns, Ted Cruz, The Tea Party, Women's Issues

My Dearest Ted, Your latest attempts to woo women voters have made it impossible for me to hold my feelings for you in any longer. Every time you speak, every time I see your face on television, I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach. When, in Wisconsin, you declared that, “Strong women […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Affordable Care act, anti-abortion bill, anti-choice, discrimination against women health, Florida, health insurance, Obamacare, Pro-Choice, Reproductive choice, reproductive freedom, Reproductive Health Services, Rick Scott, Starbucks, Women and healthcare, Women's Health, women's health services
Healthcare, Reproductive Rights, Republicans, Smackdowns, Women's Issues

Florida voter ripped into the Republican governor at a local Starbucks – and it was glorious. When Florida Governor Rick Scott stopped in a Gainesville Starbucks on Tuesday, he got a lot more than a latte. While the Republican governor was in line, a former city commissioner Cara Jennings started yelling at him for opposing […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
abortion in America today, Controversy surrounding reproductive rights, How to confuse a pro-lifer, How to stump an anti-choicer, Should we punish women who have abortions, The pro-life versus pro-choice debate
Activism, Reproductive Rights, Women's Issues

Anti-choicers cannot answer a simple question. When asked the question “What should happen to women who have abortions if they were to become illegal,” anti-choice demonstrators have a very difficult time coming up with an answer. Joseph C. Packer asks this question in the scholarly journal “Argumentation and Advocacy” back in 2013, in an article entitled: […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
abortion rights in america, Christians judging others who disagree with their beliefs, feeling helpless and hopeless in the face of anti-abortion protesters, insensitive anti-choice protesters, Meaningful access to reproductive services, Pro-choice movement versus the pro-life groups, sometimes an abortion is medically necessary, The War on Women is a form of domestic terrorism, women seeking proper reproductive care, women's reproductive rights
Human Interest, Reproductive Rights, Right Wing Fanatics, Women's Issues

This is but one unfortunate story in the ongoing conflict between women seeking proper reproductive care and insensitive anti-choice protesters. A father turns the tables on protesters who have yelled at him and his wife on the worst day of their lives. This story is from a few years ago, but unfortunately – these kinds […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Abortion, Believing in the Bible only when it is convenient, Christianity, conservatives, evangelicals, Having a living faith is much harder to talking about having one, hypocrisy, Religion, Religion by convenience, shaming, The hypocrisy of many who claim to be pro-life
Activism, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Reproductive Rights, Uncategorized

Under the right set of circumstances, many evangelicals become full-fledged hypocrites Several years ago, I was friends with a woman who identified as a born-again Christian. Eventually I moved to another part of the state, and while we still keep in touch, our connection is not as close as it used to be. I never expected […]