By Whatever Jones on
anti-choice, Brett Kavanaugh, Bryan Fischer, Evangelical Christians, Jesus, Satan
Extremists, Misogyny, Right Wing Fanatics

The Republican War on Women is rapidly reaching new heights. Donald Trump, who has been accused of sexual assault and bragged about grabbing women’s genitals, made it to the Oval Office, and yesterday, accused rapist Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice. Evangelical Christians are doing a happy dance because candidate Trump […]
By Nicole Girard on
Abortion Rights, anti-choice, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Pro-Woman, Psuedoscience
Reproductive Rights, Women's Issues

// When Republican Rep. Trent Franks tweeted a false claim, Dr. Daniel Grossman decided to school him on a little something the rest of us call “facts.” Doctors are using social media to take Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ), junk-science peddler and misogynistic provocateur, to task over his recent proposed anti-choice bill, H.R.36, titled, The Pain Capable […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Affordable Care act, anti-abortion bill, anti-choice, discrimination against women health, Florida, health insurance, Obamacare, Pro-Choice, Reproductive choice, reproductive freedom, Reproductive Health Services, Rick Scott, Starbucks, Women and healthcare, Women's Health, women's health services
Healthcare, Reproductive Rights, Republicans, Smackdowns, Women's Issues

Florida voter ripped into the Republican governor at a local Starbucks – and it was glorious. When Florida Governor Rick Scott stopped in a Gainesville Starbucks on Tuesday, he got a lot more than a latte. While the Republican governor was in line, a former city commissioner Cara Jennings started yelling at him for opposing […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Abortion, anti-choice, anti-choice movement, Don't like abortion don't have one, Katie Couric, Meaningful access to reproductive health services, Michele Bachmann, Pro-Life, Reproductive healthcare access in America, Roe v. Wade, Sarah Palin, women access to reproductive healthcare
Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Republican Hypocrisy, Supreme Court, Women's Issues

“They’re not pro-life. You know what they are, they’re anti-woman. Simple as it gets. Anti-woman. They don’t like them. They don’t like women.” ~George Carlin In 1973 the Supreme Court decided a woman’s right to choose abortion was legal. LEGAL. This means when a person decides to have an abortion: It’s legal. It’s none of […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Abortion, anti-choice, Planned Parenthood
Reproductive Rights, Women's Issues

A new survey by the Associated Press (AP) reveals a 12 percent decrease in abortion rates in the U.S. since 2010. The states with the highest decrease are: Hawaii (30 percent), New Mexico (24%), Nevada (22%), Rhode Island (22%), and Connecticut (21%). It’s worth noting that none of these states have recently passed laws limiting […]