By Samuel Warde on
Alt-Right Battles Globalists, Breitbart News, Breitbart Wages War On Ivanka Trump Jared Kushner, General John Kelly, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, White House Globalists
Activism, Controversy, Extremists, Right Wing Fanatics, Right-Wing Media

Alleged infighting between Trump supporters and ‘globalist’ White House staff members is evidence of “some kind of coup” according to alt-right website. Breitbart News, the alt-right flagship and home to former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, published an interview with pizzagate activist Mike Cernovich to assist their fight against Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump and […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activism, Dog owners protest, Dog owners protest right wing group, Non-violent protest, peaceful demonstrations, Peaceful resistance, Protests, San Francisco, the far-right
Activism, Extremists, Resistance, Right Wing Fanatics

A group of San Francisco dog owners has found a unique way to fight back against right wing extremists. The Guardian reports that: “When a group of far-right activists come to San Francisco to hold a rally this Saturday, they will be met by peace activists offering them flowers to wear in their hair. Also, dog shit. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Chris Barker Interview, Ilia Calderon, KKK Imperial Wizard Univision Interview, KKK Leader Interview
Extremists, Human Interest, Immigration, Racial Issues, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hatred

A Colombian Univision anchor has chilling encounter with a Ku Klux Klan leader named Chris Barker during an interview at the imperial wizard’s North Carolina home. Chris Barker, the “imperial wizard” of the Loyal White Knights of the KKK in Pelham, North Carolina, stirred up controversy during an interview last Sunday with Univision’s late night news […]
By Samuel Warde on
ACT! for America, Alt-Right extremist groups, Alt-Right Rallies, America First Rallies, extremist groups
Activism, Extremists, Racial Issues, Right Wing Fanatics

After they saw the huge turnout by counter-protesters in Boston, alt-right organizers have decided to cancel 67 “America First” rallies scheduled in 36 states. Jon Cooper, the Chairman of The Democratic Coalition and former National Finance Chair of Draft Biden, posted the breaking news last night that: “After alt-right organizers saw huge counter-protests in Boston, […]
By Samuel Warde on
John McCain, Kelli Ward, Kelli Ward suggests replacing John McCain, Right Wing Indifference
Controversy, Republican Indifference, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics

An Opportunist with a capital “O,” Arizona State Senator Kelli Ward just did the unimaginable. As NBC News reports, “Ghosts of elections past appeared in Arizona, as Sen. John McCain’s 2016 challenger [Kelli Ward] urged him to resign because of his brain cancer diagnosis on Friday. She also took the opportunity to put her name forward […]