Right Wing Hatred

Tea Party Hypocrite Ted Cruz Trashes The Constitution And ‘The Rule Of Law’

Tea Party Hypocrite Ted Cruz Trashes The Constitution And ‘The Rule Of Law’

To hear Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz (TX) tell it, there is nothing he loves more than the United States’ Constitution and the “the rule of law”  – the principle that “no branch of government is above the law, and no public official may act arbitrarily or unilaterally outside the law.” His official U.S. Senate website […]

Republican Caught On On Open Mic: Lindsey Graham Is ‘A Bro With No Ho’

Republican Caught On On Open Mic: Lindsey Graham Is ‘A Bro With No Ho’

Republican Senator Mark Kirkland (R-IL) was caught on a hot microphone joking that fellow Republican Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is a “bro with no ho.” The comment was captured during an amendment vote for the Defense Appropriations Bill. Kirk can be heard in the audio recording saying: “I’ve been joking with Lindsey…. He’s going to […]

Ann Coulter Warns Immigration Will Lead To Mass Sexual Violence

Ann Coulter Warns Immigration Will Lead To Mass Sexual Violence

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter appeared on the “The Eric Metaxas Show” to promote her new anti-immigration book, “Adios, America! The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole.” She really has a way with words, doesn’t she? Coulter blamed Romney’s 2012 defeat on immigration. She said there aren’t enough white voters in […]

Hillary’s Concentration Camp For Christians. Once You Go In, You Never Come Out…. ALIVE! – VIDEO

Hillary’s Concentration Camp For Christians. Once You Go In, You Never Come Out…. ALIVE! – VIDEO

We found this bizarre tidbit while surfing the ultra-conservative website, World Net Daily (WND). We have covered several of the nonsense covered by this site, such as a sit-in they staged last year in an attempt to oust John Boehner for being way too damned liberal in their view. There is the obligatory piece they […]

Ted Cruz Annihilated On Social Media For Making Joe Biden Joke After Son Beau’s Death

Ted Cruz Annihilated On Social Media For Making Joe Biden Joke After Son Beau’s Death

Not that we shouldn’t have expected it, but Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) decided to make a joke about Vice President Joe Biden just days after the death of his son, Beau Biden. While speaking at a GOP dinner in Howell, Michigan on Wednesday night the presidential hopeful and Tea Party favorite remarked: “Vice President Joe […]

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