Right Wing Hatred

Rape Comments Get George Will Univited From Speaking Engagement – Conservatives Outraged

Rape Comments Get George Will Univited From Speaking Engagement – Conservatives Outraged

Reminiscent of the move to cancel a speaking engagement by Ann Coulter after the president of Fordham University blasted her for being “hateful and needlessly provative,” the all-female Scripps College has rescinded their invitation to conservative columnist George Will for a lecture series exposing students to a conservative point of view. The decision was based […]

Hey Conservatives, You DID NOT Build That ALL BY YOURSELF!

Hey Conservatives, You DID NOT Build That ALL BY YOURSELF!

When conservatives say “Yeah, I built that…” in a sour reference to Obama basically saying that you didn’t build it all by yourself – what they (conservatives) seem to forget is that they built whatever they built with the help of many. In other words, they were not the sole human on a deserted island where they had […]

Bill O’Reilly’s Idiotic Attack On The Left (VIDEO)

Bill O’Reilly’s Idiotic Attack On The Left (VIDEO)

Bill O’Reilly’s ran a segment on Monday entitled: “How to deal with dumb people.” O’Reilly’s “Tip of the Day” included trashing liberals such as Stephen Colbert, who mocked his plan to create a 25,000-strong mercenary force to be deployed in a global campaign against terrorism. O’Reilly began the segment by providing an overview of that […]

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