Right-Wing Myths

Did al-Qaeda gave up bin Laden to help Obama?

Did al-Qaeda gave up bin Laden to help Obama?

Last Wednesday Rush Limbaugh theorized that Al -Qaeda “gave up Osama bin Laden” so President Obama could get re-elected, because keeping Obama in office “furthers the cause.” [AUDIO BELOW] Cenk Uygur discusses this latest conspiracy theory from Rush Limbaugh. “What do the militant Islamists want more than anything in the world?  Israel gone is right.  Even moderate Islamists […]

Chuck Norris – Obama win would bring “1000 years of darkness”

Chuck Norris – Obama win would bring “1000 years of darkness”

Chuck Norris released a video this weekend through the conservative website WND calling for evangelical Christians claiming America faces “1000 years of darkness” if President Obama is reelected. In the past Norris has made other wild claims  in recent years like saying  the Christian savior character Jesus would have been aborted by his mother if “Obamacare” were available 2,000 […]

Welfare Ads proven “False” – Romney Team: won’t let “campaign be dictated by fact-checkers”

Welfare Ads proven “False” – Romney Team: won’t let “campaign be dictated by fact-checkers”

Romney’s entire campaign seems focused on racially charged lies about welfare intended to appeal to white worker class Americans trying to convince them that while they are working hard, their black president is seeking to make welfare easier for others. “5 of the last 13 ads endorsed by Mitt Romney are about bogus welfare claims” […]

Claims of Sealed Obama Records Proven False

Claims of Sealed  Obama Records Proven False

No United States President in history has had as many false and malicious rumors spread about him.  As part of an ongoing public service commitment by this website, we present our series of articles debunking right-wing lies. Myth: Obama’s thesis paper is sealed Reality: Obama did not actually write the kind of ‘thesis’ that some […]

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