By Samuel Warde on
H.R. McMaster, John Kelly, National Security Advisor Concerned President's Intelligence, President a dope, President a man with intelligence of kindergartener, President a Moron, President an idiot, President's intelligence called into question, Rex Tillerson
Smackdowns, Social Justice

White House insiders report that 3 top-level cabinet officials have used derogatory terms in describing Trump – words such as “idiot,” “dope,” moron” or a man with the intelligence of a “kindergartener.” One has to wonder about the current state of affairs at the White House in the wake of recent revelations regarding Special Prosecutor […]
By Samuel Warde on
1992 Entertainment Tonight Clip, Derogatory remarks about women, Entertainment Tonight tape, Extra-Marital Affair, misogyny, Questionable comments about women, Stormy Daniels
Bigotry, Controversy, Misogyny, Scandals, Social Justice

At 38-years-old, Stormy Daniels is 1 1/2 years younger than Don Junior and 2 years older than Ivanka – making this video all that much creepier. Controversy continues to rage surrounding Trump’s alleged extra-marital affair with Stormy Daniels and the legal proceedings surrounding it. The story broke in March 2017 with CNN reporting at the time […]
By Samuel Warde on
Accusations President is a Racist, Barack Obama Most Popular C-Span Videos, C-Span, C-Span Presidential Coverage, Instant Karma
Barack Obama, Racial Issues, Social Justice

Once again, President Obama manages to outdo his wannabe successor Trump. The evidence is long-standing, and there is no doubt that Trump is obsessed with President Barack Obama. Trump’s Obsession With Obama Explained Charles M. Blow of The New York Times published an opinion piece in June 2017 explaining “Trump’s Obama Obsession.” “Trump has a thing about Barack […]
By Samuel Warde on
angry voters, GOP tax plan, GOP Tax Scam, Instant Karma, John McCain, Twitter Responds
Social Justice, Social Media Battles, Tax Policy, Twitter

John McCain suffers one of the most embarrassing days in the history of Twitter. Americans are angry; and no one knows that better than Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona, after suffering one of the most humbling experiences in the history of Twitter. Monday afternoon (04 December 2017) McCain reached out to Twitterverse asking for […]
By Samuel Warde on
Job Creation, jobs, Nick Hanauer, Republican Tax Plan, Speeches, TED Talks, Videos
Activism, Controversy, Economics, Labor, Social Justice, Speeches, Videos

This banned TED Talk explains why the tax breaks for the rich proposed by the Republican tax plan scam will never help working class Americans. TED, the Technology Entertainment and Design nonprofit behind the TED Talks, whose slogan is “ideas worth spreading” decided that some ideas are better left alone. In March of 2012 Nick […]