By Samuel Warde on
Celebrities Pledge To Fight Trump Presidency, Stand Against Donald Trump, Stand Against Hatred, Unite Against Hatred, United Against Hate
Activism, Bigotry, Election 2016, Social Justice

More than 100 celebrities are pledging to work to deny Donald Trump the presidency. “Will you stand against Donald Trump and the hate he promotes?” That is the question being asked by Political Action‘s #UnitedAgainstHate campaign. As Bloomberg reports, “Julianne Moore, Bryan Cranston, Kerry Washington, Mark Ruffalo, Neil Patrick Harris, Lena Dunham, Shonda Rhimes, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Racial Issues, Reagan, Reagan Used Racial Tensions To Raise taxes, Reagan used racial tensions to sway middle-class white Americans, Ronald Reagan and the Southern Strategy, Videos, Voting against self-interest
Economics, History, Politics, Racial Issues, Social Justice, Videos

This video clip recalls how Ronald Reagan – “the great communicator” – used racial tensions. In this interview with Bill Moyers, Ian Haney López discusses how Ronald Reagan used “racial tensions to sway middle-class white Americans to vote for policies not in their self-interest.” As reported by Moyers & Co., “In Dog Whistle Politics, author […]
By Samuel Warde on
Important PSA Discusses the absurdity of victim blaming, victim blaming, Videos, Women's issues
Activism, Social Justice, Videos, Women's Issues

2014 Public Service Announcement Discusses The Absurdity of Victim Blaming. This important Public Service Announcement was inspired by advice found in Cosmopolitan and campus safety brochures that tell women how to avoid being raped. “It speaks to the absurdity of placing responsibility and blame on the victim.” According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National […]
By Brandon Weber on
Barbara Ehrenreich, how to live on minimum wage, Living Below the Poverty Line, Living On $7 An Hour, living on minimum wage, Living wages, minimum wage, Nickel and Dimed, On Not Getting By In America, The American Ruling Class, X #FightFor15
Economics, Human Interest, Labor, Social Justice, Work
![What Living On $7 An Hour Actually Means For Working People What Living On $7 An Hour Actually Means For Working People]()
Have you ever had to live on minimum wage? There has not been a national minimum wage increase for 7 years. For tipped workers? Even worse — it’s been at $2.13 an hour for 25 years. Some states are starting to take their own initiatives to raise the minimum wage and the tipped wage, but […]
By Samuel Warde on
Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King and the modern Black Lives Matter Movement, Martin Luther King Jr., Military defense versus social uplift, Social Justice In America Today, spending money on social programs instead of the military
History, Human Interest, Social Justice, Speeches, Videos, War, War and Peace

Martin Luther King, Jr. Discusses the Importance of Investing in Programs of Social Uplift Versus on Military Defense “A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. By 1967, Martin Luther King, Jr. had become […]