
Watch Karl Rove vs. Obamacare: The Rap Throwdown

Watch Karl Rove vs. Obamacare: The Rap Throwdown

  While Karl Rove has voiced his concerns about an Obamacare-themed rap video, MSNBC’s Politics Nation reveals that Rove briefly dabbled in the rap game himself. You can watch the clip below, courtesy of MSNBC and Politics Nation with Al Sharpton. Watch this clip, followed by the full Obamacare Rap video:     Here is […]

Boehner: Far Right Has ‘Lost All Credibility’ (VIDEO)

Boehner: Far Right Has ‘Lost All Credibility’ (VIDEO)

House Speaker John Boehner responds to questions about his criticism of conservative groups who oppose the budget bill noting that they have “lost all credibility.” During a Thursday press conference, Boehner stated: “This budget agreement takes giant steps in the right direction. But when groups come out and criticize something they’ve never seen, you begin […]