
Pot Legal Nationwide In 5 Years?

Pot Legal Nationwide In 5 Years?

UCLA public policy professor Mark A.R. Kleiman talks about the trend of commercial legalization of cannabis. In this interview, Kleiman tells CNN that: “The piecemeal state by state approach rules out what would be the best solution which would be to have cannabis distributed by state agencies, rather than for-profit private entities, but you can’t […]

Atheist or Agnostic? – Neil deGrasse Tyson

Atheist or Agnostic? – Neil deGrasse Tyson

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson claims the title “scientist” above all other “ists.” And yet, he says he is “constantly claimed by atheists.” So where does he stand? “Neil deGrasse, widely claimed by atheists, is actually an agnostic.” Neil deGrasse Tyson: I’m often asked — and occasionally in an accusatory way — “Are you atheist?” And […]

WATCH: The Biggest Prison Profiteer Of Them All

WATCH: The Biggest Prison Profiteer Of Them All

Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) is the country’s biggest for-profit prison company and calls human beings in lock-up a “revenue stream.” Don’t let them profit off imprisoning even more. #prisonprofiteers This video is part of the Prison Profiteers series produced by Brave New Foundation’s Beyond Bars campaign in partnership with the ACLU and The […]