The Politics of Pot: Marijuana Goes Mainstream (VIDEO)

Dramatic shifts in public opinion about marijuana legalization are forcing both lawmakers and the public to deal with clashing federal and state policies.
Dramatic shifts in public opinion about marijuana legalization are forcing both lawmakers and the public to deal with clashing federal and state policies.
Texas State Sen. Wendy Davis ahs gained the respect of people nationwide after her 11-hour filibuster helped defeat a controversial anti-abortion bill aimed at cutting access to abortion services across Texas. Gov. Rick Perry (R) has called for a second special session of the Texas legislature in order to pass the bill. The session will […]
It seems that Wikileaks officials were with Edward Snowden when he fled to Russia and offered him legal guidance. It is rumored that Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, is pressing Ecuadorian officials to grant Snowden’s request for asylum. Assange offered his thoughts on Edward Snowden in an exclusive interview on ABC’s “This Week,” beginning with the following overview […]
Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS), a leading opponent of gay marriage rights, appeared on Meet the Press this past Sunday to share his viewpoint on marriage equality with NBC host David Gregory. Gregory challenged Huelskamp to explain why it was so important for children to have opposite-sex parents and the Republican congressman insisted research had proven that children […]
An outstanding advertising spot against racism and Islamophobia created by a French NGO called Detournage. The piece has the alternate title: COUP DE FILET – “What muslims are hiding from you” “Ce que les musulmans vous cachent” – Spot video contre le racisme et l’islamophobie. You can watch this amazing clip below: