
Wendy Davis Confirms Time Change on Texas Vote Count Deliberate – Expects Investigation (VIDEO)

Wendy Davis Confirms Time Change on Texas Vote Count Deliberate – Expects Investigation (VIDEO)

You might recall the efforts by Texas Republicans to falsify the vote count on the controversial abortion bill earlier this week. Of particular note are the following two screenshots taken from the Texas Legislature Online site.  At 12:54 a.m. Wednesday morning the site showed SB-5 as having been passed on “6-26-13″ or after the legislative […]

Tammy Duckworth Eviscerates Contractor Who Claimed Veterans Disability – VIDEO

Tammy Duckworth Eviscerates Contractor Who Claimed Veterans Disability – VIDEO

On Wednesday, Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), a veteran of the Iraq War, dramatically chastised a federal contractor who claimed that a high school sports injury had rendered him a service-disabled veteran. Speaking during a hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Duckworth vividly described to a committee witness, Braulio Castillo, how she lives […]