
Dramatic Video Showing Philadelphia Triple Shooting (VIDEO)

Dramatic Video Showing Philadelphia Triple Shooting (VIDEO)

The Philadelphia Police Department has published a video of a triple shooting on YouTube in hopes of finding the attacker. The Philadelphia Police Department’s Northwest Detectives Division is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the suspect for a shooting that injured three males 19-22 years-of-age in West Oak Lane. On March 19, 2013, at 10:34pm, […]

Bachmann: Repeal Obamacare Before It ‘Literally Kills’ Children (VIDEO)

Bachmann: Repeal Obamacare Before It ‘Literally Kills’ Children (VIDEO)

Tea Party favorite, Michele Bachmann continues her whirlwind week insisting earlier today on the House floor that it was her “duty as a believer in Christ” to repeal Obamacare as “it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens.” “The American people, especially vulnerable women, vulnerable children, vulnerable senior citizens, now get to pay more […]

Bill O’Reilly Slams Michele Bachmann Calling Her Attack On President ‘Trivial’ (VIDEO)

Bill O’Reilly Slams Michele Bachmann Calling Her Attack On President ‘Trivial’ (VIDEO)

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann was invited to sit down with Bill O’Reilly tonight to talk about her controversial remarks regarding how American taxpayers are paying for a lavish White House lifestyle, but O’Reilly explained that Bachmann didn’t want to come on. Instead, O’Reilly spent the segment essentially tearing down Bachmann’s assertions and insisting that it’s ridiculous […]

Rachel Maddow ‘Pissed’ About Treatment of Veterans

Rachel Maddow ‘Pissed’ About Treatment of  Veterans

Rachel Maddow talked with Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth, member of the Armed Services Committee and Iraq War Veteran, about the problems in the United States with delivering promised benefits to war veterans. Noting she was “pissed” over the way veterans have been treated in this country upon returning home, an incensed Rachel Maddow talked about the […]