
Mother of Slain Inaugural Performer Demands a Plan to End Gun Violence (VIDEO)

Mother of Slain Inaugural Performer Demands a Plan to End Gun Violence (VIDEO)

Hadiya Pendleton performed at President Obama’s inauguration in January. Just a week later, she was shot and killed in Chicago. Her mother, Cleopatra Cowley-Pendleton, demands action from Congress to end gun violence. “When my daughter Hadiya performed at the president’s inauguration, it was the happiest day of her life,” said Cowley-Pendelton in a public service […]

Paranoid Delusions not a disqualifier for U.S. Congress (VIDEO)

Paranoid Delusions not a disqualifier for U.S. Congress (VIDEO)

Rachel Maddow pointed out last that night that while bogus reports and conspiracy theories may be unremarkable on the internet, America can boast actual elected senators like Rand Paul who are willing dupes of these theories and bring them into the process of conducting America’s business – like confirming the Secretary of Defense. She pointed […]

Liberty Counsel: lifting gay ban in Boy Scouts would attract ‘a Jerry Sandusky as your Scoutmaster’ (VIDEO)

Liberty Counsel: lifting gay ban in Boy Scouts would attract ‘a Jerry Sandusky as your Scoutmaster’ (VIDEO)

Mat Staver and Matt Barber, of the Liberty Counsel, talked about the recent decision by the Boy Scouts of America to delay voting on the ban on gay scouts. During Friday’s “Faith and Freedom” radio programs, Staver noted , “it makes no sense to have a Jerry Sandusky as your scout master and essentially that’s […]

Bill Maher: GOP ‘an uneasy marriage between the Jesus freaks and the plutocrats’ (VIDEO)

Bill Maher: GOP ‘an uneasy marriage between the Jesus freaks and the plutocrats’ (VIDEO)

On last night’s episode of Real Time, Bill Maher talked about Karl Rove’s attempt to “rein in the wild out-there batshit part of the Republican Party and get it back to the old regular batshit part of the Republican Party.” By wild-out-there batshit, he was referring to the extremist Tea Party folks such as Todd […]