
Smear and Loathing – Jon Stewart takes on Michele Bachmann

Smear and Loathing – Jon Stewart takes on Michele Bachmann

Jon Stewart takes on Michele Bachmann after she and four Republican colleagues accuse Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin of being circuitously connected to the Muslim Brotherhood and attempting to take over the U.S. government. As you may recall, there was strong bi-partisan criticm of Bachmann and company on Capital Hill.  The problem […]

Ann Romney refers to “you people” on ABC News

Ann Romney refers to “you people” on ABC News

This morning on ABC News, Ann Romney reinforced her husband’s refusal to make public several years of tax returns. What is amazing is the seeming arrogance to her statement when she seemed to draw a line between her and her family and the rest of the country stating: “[W]e’ve given all you people need to […]

The Politics of Hate – Targeting Obama

The Politics of Hate – Targeting Obama

“There is an ethnic piece in this.   It’s very hard to nail it down because they always cover it in ideology, but I’ve never heard anybody in this country call his opponent regularly Anti-American or Non-American”. ~Chris Matthews, speaking about Anti-Obama hatred Yesterday on Hardball, Chris Matthews took on the subject of hatred towards President […]