By Brandon Weber on
Affordable Care act, civil rights, Civil Rights Act of 1964, End of Slavery, Fighting Bigotry, Fighting Poverty, Interracial Marriage, Jobs and Banking Reform, Liberal Victories, liberals, Living wages, Marriage equality for all, National Labor Relations Act, Progressive Values, progressive victories, Progressives, Right to Vote, Social Security, The Liberal Agenda, The New Deal, Voting Rights Act of 1965, worker's rights
Civil Rights, Equal Pay, Equal Rights, Liberals, Progressives, Voting, Wages, Workers rights

Here are but a few of the liberal victories that improved our country in the last 200 years — some after rather massive battles. If you look at the record … it’s clear that eventually, inevitably, Liberals always win. Even with the recent unpleasantness. Don’t believe me? Check out a few examples of liberal accomplishments the […]
By Samuel Warde on
Employment Benefits, fair wages, Federal Minimum Wage, GOP platform, Living wages, Republican Party Platform of 1956, republican platform, Unions, Work Benefits, Worker Rights
Conservatives, Republican Indifference, Republicans, Wages, Workers rights

Any working class Americans voting Republican are voting against self-interest. John Nichols, a long-time contributor to The Nation and the periodical’s National Affairs correspondent, wrote a blistering Labor Day article on Donald Trump as the Republican Party, writing that their “platform is a litany of foolish dreams.” Nichols tears into Trump from the start, writing […]
By Samuel Warde on
Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, Corporate Accountability International, corporate welfare for low paid workers, Fast Food Workers Minimum wage, fast food workers wages, Fight for $15 Movement, Living wages, low wages force workers to rely on public assistance, McDonald's low wages, McDonalds workers want union rights, Public Citizen, Strike for 15, taxpayer dollars for public aid for fast food workers, Underpaid workers protest
Activism, Labor, Wages

Workers descend on McDonald’s shareholders meeting on Thursday, demanding living wages. As McDonald’s holds its annual meeting on Thursday, low wage workers—buoyed by successes from the “unstoppable” Fight for $15 movement—are confronting the burger giant and again demand a decent wage and union rights. On Wednesday, in addition to a mid-day strike at the flagship […]
By Samuel Warde on
Election 2011, fair wages, income inequality, Jobs labor and wages, Living wages, Raising the minimum wage to a living wage, Republican Candidates Reject American Workers, Republicans on the minimum wage
Election 2016, Jobs, Labor, Wages

“Just say no!” That’s what all but 2 Republican candidates are telling American workers. Three leading Republican presidential hopefuls said they would not support raising the federal minimum wage during Tuesday’s debate, with the leading candidate – Donald Trump – doubling down on his remarks the following morning. Asked if he was sympathetic to the […]
By Samuel Warde on
American Labor and Wages, American Wages and Labor Problems, Donald Trump may have committed a fatal error in his campaign for the presidency, Donald Trump message to American Workers, Election 2016, Workers Wages are too high, Workers Wages too low
Election 2016, Labor, Wages

Donald Trump may have committed a fatal error in his campaign for the presidency. Many consider Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s position on minimum wage his greatest mistake during this week’s debate. Not only that, he doubled down on those comments the following day, telling MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski that “Our taxes are too high, our […]