By Brandon Weber on
Affordable Care act, civil rights, Civil Rights Act of 1964, End of Slavery, Fighting Bigotry, Fighting Poverty, Interracial Marriage, Jobs and Banking Reform, Liberal Victories, liberals, Living wages, Marriage equality for all, National Labor Relations Act, Progressive Values, progressive victories, Progressives, Right to Vote, Social Security, The Liberal Agenda, The New Deal, Voting Rights Act of 1965, worker's rights
Civil Rights, Equal Pay, Equal Rights, Liberals, Progressives, Voting, Wages, Workers rights

Here are but a few of the liberal victories that improved our country in the last 200 years — some after rather massive battles. If you look at the record … it’s clear that eventually, inevitably, Liberals always win. Even with the recent unpleasantness. Don’t believe me? Check out a few examples of liberal accomplishments the […]
By Guest Blogger on
Angie DiPietro, Chicago corruption, chicago police, civil rights
Corruption, Crime

The US’s third largest city has consistently been in the news lately for some of the worst violence the country has seen in recent decades. In an investigation led by CNN, according to the Chicago Police Department (CPD), homicide levels have skyrocketed in the last five years, and at the current rate, they estimate about […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
7-year-old boy from Virginia who records himself giving reviews to different theater performances, 7-year-old theater critic, A great many United States politicians should take a lesson from Iain, Children are cute and insightful, civil rights, Critic review of West Side Story, Iain Theatre Critic, The Holiday Season is upon us and theatre critics are welcome, We Should All Take A Cue From This 7-Year-Old Theatre Critic – VIDEO, West Side Story
Arts & Sciences, Civil Rights, Human Interest

A great many United States politicians should take a lesson from Iain. The holiday season is upon us and if you’re a political junkie like me, you’re probably sick and tired of all the angry words, name-calling and crazy theatrics coming from presidential candidates and congressional representatives. If so, I have a special treat for […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Ben Carson, Ben Carson Hires Former Federal Judge With Racist Past, civil rights, Jim Crow, presidential frontrunner
Politics, Racial Issues, Republicans, Uncategorized

More head-scratching hypocrisy from Dr. Ben Carson as he hires a former federal judge with a racist past to serve as his Mississippi state chair. Ben Carson is the only African-American Republican running for POTUS, and he also happens to be the current 2016 front-runner. Friday, Carson announced he’s named former federal judge Charles W. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activism, Bernie Sanders, civil rights, Election 2016, Racial Justice, Social Justice
Activism, Bernie Sanders, Civil Rights, Election 2016, Equal Rights, gay rights, Gender Equality, Immigration, Police Overreach, Racial Issues, Racial Justice, Social Justice

Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders has come under recent scrutiny for his position regarding gun rights and what some are characterizing as indifference to civil rights and racial justice. Most recently, Sanders came under fire while speaking at last weekend’s annual meeting of Netroots Nation, the country’s largest gathering of progressive activists when a group of […]