By Samuel Warde on
Common-sense gun laws, gun violence, Holding Do-nothing Politicians accountable, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Kimmel blasts do-nothing Republicans, NRA, Powerful Gun Lobby, Preventing Mass Shootings, school shootings
Do-Nothing Republicans, Firearms, Gun Control, Gun lovers, NRA, Republican Indifference, Republicans, Smackdowns

Jimmy Kimmel is speaking out about politicians afraid to do anything when it comes to preventing gun violence. Kimmel took time out from his usual Friday night monologue to address the tragic school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas that left 10 people dead and 10 wounded. “We had another school shooting today, this time in […]
By Samuel Warde on
Common-sense gun laws, Democrats Accuse GOP Selling Guns ISIS, GOP Selling Guns to ISIS, Republicans Ignore Will of American People on Guns, Republicans Selling Guns to ISIS
Gun Control, Republican Logic, Republicans

Leading Democrats are accusing the GOP of selling guns to ISIS. After the Senate voted down four amendments designed to strengthen background checks and prevent suspected terrorists from obtaining weapons, some Democrats are accusing Republicans of essentially selling weapons to ISIS. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), the leader of last week’s 15-hour Senate filibuster to force […]
By Samuel Warde on
Abortion Rights, common sense restriction on firearms, Common-sense gun laws, Facebook, Facebook Post of the Year, gun control in America or a lack thereof, mass shootings in America, Memes, reproductive rights, social justice gun control and women's issues, Women's issues
Activism, Facebook, Gun Control, Quotes

One of the best Facebook posts ever… There is an interesting post that has been circulating on the internet the last few months in the wake of all the recent mass shootings plaguing the country. The post has been covered by a variety of news portals such as Daily Kos, but there doesn’t seen to […]
By Samuel Warde on
banning firearms in city playgrounds and parks, banning firearms on campuses, banning guns in playgrounds and parks, banning guns in schools, common sense firearms restrictions, Common-sense gun laws, pre-emptive state statutes, restricting the sale or use of firearms and guns, Seattle Battles The NRA And Is Winning, Seattle Finds A Way To Beat The NRA And Fight Gun Crime, second amendment protections, Side stepping the power of the NRA, state preemptive law, The City of Seattle, the second amendment and the rights of victims, victims rights
Gun Control, States Issues

Seattle Battles The NRA And Is Winning The City of Seattle has found a unique way to combat gun crimes while side-stepping the power of the NRA. The NRA’s lobbying arm, the Institute of Legal Action (ILA), has successfully lobbied 43 states to enact “preemption” laws -statutes which bar cities like Seattle from passing laws […]
By Samuel Warde on
12 Absurd Reasons People Were Shot This September, 12 Reasons people were killed by firearms this september, Activism, Common Sense Firearm Restriction, Common-sense gun laws, gun control, gun violence, Less Guns, Parents Against Gun Violence, Some of the reasons people were shot in September 2015
Activism, Gun Control, Human Interest

Parents Against Gun Violence is a group of “conservatives, liberals and moderates, convinced that there are many common-sense policies that can reduce gun violence, and especially the risk of harm to children.“ The group was created in the wake of the Newtown, CT, killings of Friday, December 14, 2012, the second worst mass shooting in […]