Hillary Clinton

Debunking The Latest Hatchet-Job On Hillary Clinton

Debunking The Latest Hatchet-Job On Hillary Clinton

The latest hatchet-job on Hillary Clinton is set to strike next Tuesday, October 13th, in the form of a new book written by conservative political strategist Roger Stone. As the New York Post reports the book, “The Clintons’ War On Women” alleges that “the real Hillary Clinton is so volatile and prone to violent outbursts […]

Bernie Sanders Gives Hillary Clinton A Run For Her Money (Video)

Bernie Sanders Gives Hillary Clinton A Run For Her Money (Video)

The figures for the third quarter of campaign fundraising are in and it seems that Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders is literally giving Hillary Clinton a run for her money. Bloomberg Politics reports that “In the run up the 2016 primary elections, conventional wisdom had it that insider candidates who had long cultivated relationships with […]

The Tea Party Patriot Who’s ‘Leaning Toward Voting For Hillary Clinton (Video)

The Tea Party Patriot Who’s ‘Leaning Toward Voting For Hillary Clinton (Video)

Tea Party Patriot James Webb, 51, is a retired conservative video blogger who has over a million YouTube views. He posted a video explaining why he might just vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. He’s worried a Republican President would take away his healthcare – his Obamacare – and force him to go back to […]

What’s Hillary Clinton’s Greatest Accomplishment? 20 Leading Democrats Weigh In

What’s Hillary Clinton’s Greatest Accomplishment? 20 Leading Democrats Weigh In

Politico Magazine featured Hillary Clinton on last Friday’s cover with an article entitled: “What Is Hillary’s Greatest Accomplishment? Carly Fiorina dared Democrats to name it. 20 top Dems accepted the challenge.” Republican presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina lashed out at Clinton during last Wednesday’s Republican debate, stating: “If you want to stump a Democrat, ask them to […]

Clinton: ‘The Debate’ Over Obamacare ‘Is Over’ – VIDEO

Clinton: ‘The Debate’ Over Obamacare ‘Is Over’ – VIDEO

“Obama signs health care-20100323” by Pete Souza – President Obama Signs Health Insurance Legislation Into Law. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons. Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton told John Dickerson of CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday that “enough is enough” when it comes to attacks on the Affordable Care Act, President Barack Obama‘s signature […]

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