By Samuel Warde on
Col. Lawrence Wiklerson, Dick Cheney, Iran deal, Lawrence Wilkerson, Thom Hartmann, Videos, War
Controversy, Corruption, Foreign Policy, Interviews, Republican Logic, Republicans, Scandals, Videos, War

Lawrence Wilkerson, retired United States Army Colonel and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell, sat down for an interview with Thom Hartmann, host of of RT’s “The Big Picture,” to discuss Dick Cheney‘s opposition to the Iran Agreement. Cheney and his daughter, Liz, have been making the rounds on […]
By Samuel Warde on
#NoWarWithIran, Dick Cheney, Fox News, Iran deal, Iran Nuclear Agreement, Megyn Kelly, Videos
Foreign Policy, Fox News, Republican Logic, Smackdowns, Videos, War

Pro-war Republican Dick Cheney has been hitting the conservative news circuit the last couple of weeks promoting his new book and squawking about how President Obama‘s nuclear deal with Iran will end civilization as we know it. However, he has been finding out the last couple of years that networks such as Fox News, once […]
By Samuel Warde on
Dick Cheney, Fox News, Iran deal, The Iraq War, War
Fox News, Interviews, Republican Logic, Right Wing Lies, Videos, War

Dick Cheney has been pounding the conservative media circuit lately promoting his latest book effort at revisionist history, “Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America,” co-authored by his daughter Liz. Cheney has also been pounding the pavement telling anyone who will listen to him that the nuclear deal with Iran is a mistake – essentially […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activism, Dick Cheney, Iran deal, Videos, War, Weird News
Activism, Videos, War, Weird News

Protesters interrupted a Tuesday morning speech by former vice-president Dick Cheney, calling him a war criminal. The former vice-president was speaking out against the Iran nuclear deal at American Enterprise Institute when unnamed protesters started shouting at Cheney. One woman, thought to be associated with the activist group Code Pink, stood up and attempted to […]
By Samuel Warde on
Dick Cheney, History, Iran deal, Videos, War
Defense, Extremists, History, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Videos, War

The White House is blasting former vice-president Dick Cheney for opposing the Iran Deal in a new video posted to the White House YouTube page. Posting that “Vice President Dick Cheney opposes the Iran nuclear deal. If his reasoning sounds familiar, it’s because we’ve heard it from him before on the Iraq war,” the White […]