Obama Bests Trump

Hey Conservatives, This Is What It Looked Like When Our POTUS Was A BadAss Not A Putin Stooge

Hey Conservatives, This Is What It Looked Like When Our POTUS Was A BadAss Not A Putin Stooge

There is no contest when it comes to who was a truly bad-ass president and who is a weak loser posing as an internet bully. Obama was a man of dignity and honor, elegance and grace, and that makes it that much more difficult to deal with the clumsy buffoon who presently occupies the White […]

It’s Official: Obama Is Better At Twitter Than Trump

It’s Official: Obama Is Better At Twitter Than Trump

Despite his best efforts, Trump continues to be outdone and outclassed by Obama.  It’s no great secret that Trump is obsessed with President Obama – fiercely jealous of him. Charles M. Blow of The New York Times published an opinion piece last week titled “Trump’s Obama Obsession,” concluding that Trump is jealous of Obama, that “It’s like […]