By Samuel Warde on
Healthcare, Obamacare, politics, The Affordable Care Act

Worried about the future of Obamacare? With the midterm elections now behind us and Republicans in control of both the Senate and House, many liberals and progressives are concerned. And it’s not like House Republicans have already voted over 50 times, so far, to overturn Obamacare, and on Thursday Speaker Boehner promised to vote again […]
By Samuel Warde on
Healthcare, Obamacare, The Affordable Care Act

Post by Liberals Unite. The midterm elections have come and gone and Republicans will control both the Senate and House of Representatives come January. House Republicans have voted over 50 times, so far, to overturn Obamacare, and on Thursday Speaker Boehner promised to vote again to overturn the bill in 2015. So here’s the deal. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Immigration, Jenny Beth Martin, John Boehner, Obamacare, Press Conferences, Speaker Boehner, Tea Party Patriots, The Tea Party, Videos
Elections, Healthcare, Immigration, The Tea Party, Videos

Jenny Beth Martin, President and Co-Founder of the Tea Party Patriots, expressed concerns about Speaker Boehner’s legislative agenda, issuing him a stern warning after the midterm elections. Speaking in a half-empty room at the National Press Club, Martin and six other leaders of conservative organizations, to include Citizens United,, Family Research Council, ForAmerica and […]
By Samuel Warde on
Obamacare, Videos
Healthcare, Interviews, Videos

Elizabeth “Betsy” McCaughey has flip-flopped on her political affiliation over the years, but not in her pursuit of destroying any hopes for national health care or selling herself out to big business interests along the way. The served as the Lieutenant Governor of New York from 1995 to 1998 during the first term of Governor […]
By Samuel Warde on
Obamacare, The Courts
Barack Obama, Healthcare, The Courts

The D.C. Court of Appeals handed the Obama administration a victory reversing an earlier ruling that financial subsidies are not available for people who purchased health insurance on the federal exchange. As NBC reported: “A three-judge panel of the D.C. Court of Appeals reached that conclusion in late July. On the same day, a federal […]