By Samuel Warde on
Batshit Crazy, Healthcare, Obamacare, Videos
Healthcare, Interviews, Videos

All-In With Chris Hayes took a turn for the stupid on Wednesday night when conservative guest Jennifer Stefano went nuts hollering about Obamacare and accusing Hayes of trying to “undercut the voice of a woman.” A clearly stunned Chris Hayes fought back virtually driving Stefano, the Pennsylvania state director for Americans for Prosperity, nearly insane […]
By Samuel Warde on
Barack Obama, Healthcare, Obamacare, Videos
Barack Obama, Healthcare, Videos

President Obama drops by a meeting with YouTube personalities to learn about how they’re using YouTube to connect with an audience of millions of people and to discuss why it’s important for young people to visit and learn more. Participants included: Hannah Hart, Iman Crosson (or Alphacat), Michael Stevens of Vsauce, Benny and Rafi […]
By Samuel Warde on
Obamacare, Right Wing lies, Videos
Elections, Healthcare, Right-Wing Myths, Videos

The star of the latest conservative anti-Obamacare ad complained about her new high costs, but the reality shows she’s at least breaking even, and possibly even saving money. The Washington Post reports that this hard-hitting anti-Obamacare ad makes a claim that simply doesn’t add up and gives it Two Pinocchios rating. The ad, sponsored by Americans […]
By Samuel Warde on
Healthcare, LGBT Issues, Obamacare, Videos
Healthcare, LGBT Issues, PSAs, Videos

Out2Enroll is a coalition of organizations who want to help lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people stay healthy by making sure that one of the major benefits of the Affordable Care Act — access to affordable, comprehensive health insurance coverage — reaches LGBT communities. Get Enrolled is a holiday parody, produced by Full Frontal Freedom, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Obamacare, Videos
Healthcare, Humor, Politics, Videos

Newt Gingrich gets slammed on the Internet for his support of Nelson Mandela and Rick Santorum compares the Affordable Care Act to apartheid. Last Thursday, Rick Santorum stated that Nelson Mandela’s fight against apartheid was akin to the GOP’s battle against Obamacare. Stewart explained the ridiculous nature of that statement noting: “The systemic subjugation […]