By Samuel Warde on
Must-Follow Twitter Accounts, online activism, Social Media Activism, The Resistance, Twitter
Activism, Smackdowns, Twitter

Riddled with fear, Trump gets called out for hiding out from the media today. Twitter is Ground Zero for the Resistance with activists, entertainers, journalists, legal experts, politicians, and every day people like you and me pushing back against the Trump regime. All hell broke loose in Trumplandia yesterday after Trump confessed that his son, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Battling Conservatives Online, Facebook Battles, online activism, Politics in Social Media, Sparring with Conservative friends, Trump Apologists, Trump Supporters, Vote Shaming Trump Supporters
Activism, Election 2016, Facebook, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Politics, Social Media, Social Media Battles

Shaming Trump supporters is not only okay – it is encouraged. Here’s why. Noted British newspaper The Guardian posted an enlightening postmortem on the 2016 presidential election, titled: “‘Vote shaming’ Trump supporters is fair. What they have done is shameful.” “The same people who railed against ‘political correctness’ now seem to believe there should be […]
By Samuel Warde on
Donald Trump Twitter Storm, online activism, Rejected Trump TV Shows, Trump Launches Nightly News on Facebook, Trump Mean Acres, Trump TV All in the Family, Twitter Fights Back Against Trump TV
Activism, Smackdowns, Social Media, Twitter

Twitter explodes with hilarity at the launch of the Trump campaign’s nightly news – hosted on Facebook. Rumors have been circulating for months that Trump is after a bigger prize than the White House – the launch of a new media company. Vanity Fair was the first publication to cover the story in an article […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Catcalling, Dealing with offensive men, hashtag, How to deal with catcallers, online activism, Street Harassment, women's issues most men cannot understand
Activism, Humor, Women's Issues

Smile. A great new hashtag mocking street harassment is trending. If you’re a woman who’s ever dealt with street harassment, you’ve probably complained about it only to have some mansplainer tell you that you should take catcalls as compliments. After dealing with an aggressive man in CVS, a 37-year-old woman who goes by the handle Miss […]
By Samuel Warde on
Domain Name Pranks, Humor in Politics, online activism, online pranks, Online pranksters, Political Humor, URL Activism
Activism, Election 2016, Elections, Humor is being used to mock Donald Trump. URL Activism is becoming the rage this election cycle and Donald Trump has become its latest casualty. In the wake of this week’s defeat in the Iowa Caucus, internet users have noticed that has been redirected by its own to go to Donald Trump’s Wikipedia page. […]