By Samuel Warde on
Christian Discrimination, Christian hypocrisy, Christians battle LGBT community, George Takei, Indiana, LGBT Issues, LGBT rights, Mike Pence, Religious Freedom Laws, Religious Freedom Restoration, Smackdowns
Activism, LGBT Issues, Religious Freedom Laws, Religious Intolerance, Smackdowns, States Issues

George Takei scored a major victory for LGBT rights in Indiana after he went to war with then Gov. Mike Pence. March 2015 then Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) signed into law the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” (RFRA) in a private ceremony. ThinkProgress reported at the time that “Proponents of this bill had openly admitted […]
By Samuel Warde on
actions speak louder than words in a true living Christian faith, Christian Lawmakers, Cory Booker, Religious Extremists, religious freedom, Religious Freedom Laws, Religious Intolerance, you will know they are Christians by their love
Quotes, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Freedom Laws, Religious Intolerance

With this incredible quote, self-proclaimed Christian and Democratic Senator Cory Booker sums up religious bigotry and hypocrisy in a way that’s hard for anyone to deny. Every day we see and hear lawmakers and people of “faith” using the word of God to hurt others. As the ACLU reports, this “discrimination takes many forms, including: […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activism, bigotry against gay community, Discrimination legalized in North Carolina, Legalized Discrimination, LGBT Issues, Religious Freedom Laws, Religious Freedom Laws Discrminate, Religious Intolerance and Fanatacism, Republican Hypocrisy
Activism, Bigotry, Conservatives, Controversy, Discrimination, LGBT Issues, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Freedom Laws, Religious Intolerance, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, States Issues

In a flagrant display of hypocrisy, a North Carolina congressman calls Bruce Springsteen a bully. Last week, legendary singer-songwriter Bruce Springsteen cancelled his upcoming North Carolina concert over the state’s new anti-LGBT law. The 20-time Grammy Award winner, who is widely known for his Americana/working class lyrics, joins an ever increasing list of celebrities, businesses […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activism, bigotry against gay community, LGBT Issues, Religious Freedom Laws
Activism, Discrimination, LGBT Issues

Bruce Springsteen stands with North Carolina’s LGBT community. Legendary singer-songwriter Bruce Springsteen has cancelled his upcoming North Carolina concert over the state’s new anti-LGBT law. The 20-time Grammy Award winner is widely known for his Americana – working class lyrics joins an ever increasing list of celebrities, businesses and cities that are cancelling business and […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bobby Jindal, John Fugelsang, LGBT Issues, religious freedom, Religious Freedom Laws, The Ed Show, Videos
Activism, Interviews, LGBT Issues, Religious Intolerance, Smackdowns, Videos

John Fugelsang destroyed Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) in an epic smackdown on Friday’s edition of The Ed Show, while discussing Louisiana’s pending Religious Freedom law. Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, who was subbing for Ed Schultz, began by discussing the controversy surrounding a recent New York Times op-ed piece by the right-wing governor. At issue, were […]