By Samuel Warde on
2016 election, Former Congressman Quits GOP, Former Congressman quits Republican Party, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Ted Cruz
Election 2016, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics

Conservative Logic 101: Step One, quit the GOP. Step Two, vow to spend the next twelve months converting independents to Republicans?! Only in Amerika. Tom Tancredo, a former 5-term Republican congressman from Colorado and 2008 presidential candidate, announced his is leaving the Republican Party in a column he posted Friday on conservative website Tancredo […]
By Samuel Warde on
Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan Booed, Paul Ryan Defends Tax Cuts for the Rich, Republican Logic, Taxes
Republican Logic, Republicans, Taxes

Paul Ryan thinks he can unite House Republicans, yet he has a proven history of not getting along with his own constituents. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin announced Tuesday night that he would run for Speaker of the House provided his Republican colleagues meet several conditions, prompting us to take a look at his files. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Conservative Hypocrisy - Or Ignorance - On Parade, Global Warming, Mocking Republicans, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Science
Climate/Nature, Media Bias, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans

Conservatives have done it again, making another huge mistake in supporting another so-called “expert” who actually ends up hurting more than helping their cause. Conservative science-deniers are applauding from coast-to-coast at the news that a prominent theoretical physicist and contemporary of Einstein at Princeton called out conventional wisdom regarding climate change in a recent interview […]
By Samuel Warde on
Congress, House Freedom Caucus rebukes Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan rebuked as traitor to conservatism, Republican Logic, Republicans, Speaker of the House, Tea Party Patriots Release Blistering Statement Blasting Paul Ryan, The Tea Party
Congress, Politics, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, The Tea Party

Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots released a blistering statement against Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) in an attempt to dissuade growing sentiment in the Republican-led House of Representatives to select him to replace outgoing Speaker John Boehner. Martin, the Founder and CEO of Tea Party Patriots, issued the statement urging the House Freedom Caucus […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Barack Obama, Obama Slams GOP On Immigration Platform, Obama Slams GOP Presidential Candidates for Being ‘Down On America’, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanaticism, Right Wing Fanatics, Smackdowns
Barack Obama, Republican Hypocrisy, Republicans

In an inspired keynote speech at an awards dinner for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in Washington, President Obama criticized Republican presidential candidates for “turning the clock back” on issues like immigration reform Obama proclaimed that America is better off “by most standards” than when he took office in 2009, and he questioned why “some folks [Republicans] are so […]