By Samuel Warde on
Facebook, Republican Logic, Republicans, Scandals
Controversy, Facebook, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Hatred, Scandals

The Oklahoma Republican Party is under fire after a controversial post comparing food stamp recipients was placed on their Facebook page. The full statement read: According to Oklahoma’s KFOR, the Facebook status was posted Monday evening and by the time it was removed had received “more than 1,400 comments and 1,600 shares.” Okahoma’s News 9 reported […]
By Samuel Warde on
almonds, Articles of Impeachment against Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, Bob Livingston extramarital affairs, Clinton attacking Sanders, Clinton Impeachment Hearings, Conservative Lies, debunking conservative lies, Henry Hyde cheater, Hypocrites, Impeachment, Newt Gingrich multiple affairs, Republicans, Right Wing lies, Scandals, The Trial of Bill Clinton
Congressional Hearings, Controversy, Corruption, Debunking Right Wing Lies, History, Politics, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Lies, Scandals

Things have come full circle now, with all the key Republican players in the Clinton impeachment hearings proven now to be hypocrites and liars. On December 19, 1998, the House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton for actions related to his extra-marital affair with Monica Lewinsky, a 21-year-old unpaid White […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bigots, Josh Duggar, LGBT Issues, Scandals, The Duggars, Videos
LGBT Issues, Scandals, Videos

Amid allegations that reality show star Josh Duggar molested underage girls when he was a teenager, TLC abruptly pulled all episodes of the hit series. “We are deeply saddened and troubled by this heartbreaking situation, and our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims at this difficult time,” TLC said in a statement […]
By Samuel Warde on
Controversy, Racial Issues, Racism, Scandals, Videos
Controversy, Human Interest, Racial Issues, Scandals, Videos

The daughter of a member of The Neville Brothers was given a receipt with a racial slur on it at a New Orleans restaurant on Friday and reports she “had a breakdown” after the incident. “I’ve never been through anything like this,” Liryca Neville-Branch told reporters Friday, alongside her attorney. “I like to consider myself […]
By Samuel Warde on
B.B. King, Human Interest, Scandals
Domestic Violence, Human Interest

Blues legend B.B. King has been battling health problems recently and the 89-year-old musician is in “home hospice care” according to posts on his website and official Facebook page stating: I am in home hospice care at my residence in Las Vegas. Thanks to all for your well wishes and prayers. CNN affiliate KLAS reported […]