By Samuel Warde on
National Health Care, Obamacare, Paul Ryan Requests Obamacare Money, Republican Efforts to Repeal Obamacare, Republican War on Obamacare, The Affordable Care Act
Barack Obama, Health Care

Republicans are hellbent on repealing Obamacare although many of them have benefited from the program. Republicans have campaigned for years on repealing the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 – Obamacare played a huge role in the 2010 midterm elections which proved disastrous for […]
By Samuel Warde on
Americans For Prosperity, Charles Koch, David Koch, Koch Brothers Save Obamacare, Obamacare, Republican Repeal Replace Bill, Republicans Threaten Obamacare, Saving Obamacare, The Affordable Care Act

Supporters of Obamacare have found unlikely allies in the Koch Brothers, at least when it comes to saving Obama’s signature health care law. The Republican-led House of Representatives is set to vote on their replacement plan for Obamacare today – and the vote is destined to be tight. Democratic heavyweights like Vice President Joe Biden […]
By Samuel Warde on
Angry Conservatives, GOP Obamacare repeal bill, House Republican health care bill, National Health Care, National Healthcare, Paul Ryan Betrays Conservatives, republican healthcare plan, The Affordable Care Act, Trumpcare
Conservatives, Facebook, Healthcare, Smackdowns, Social Media

All hell breaks loose as angry conservatives take to Paul Ryan’s Facebook page to air their grievances regarding Trumpcare. Trumpcare, the Republican replacement plan for Obamacare, has been unraveling – right from the start. Last week, conservative radio host and frequent Fox News guest Dana Loesch called the bill “a swamp monster,” “an insult to […]
By Samuel Warde on
Debunking Right Wing Myths, Fact-Checking Right Wing Lies, Health Equity and Access Reform Today, HEART Act, National Healthcare, Obamacare, Republican Hypocrites, The Affordable Care Act, The Individual Mandate
Conservatives, Debunking Right Wing Lies, Elections, Healthcare

It’s another election year and Republicans are campaigning on the repeal of Obamacare. One of the main Republican complaints about the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, is the individual mandate. But did you know that the individual mandate was created by the Republican Party back in 1993 as a response to President Clinton’s attempt to […]
By Samuel Warde on
Election 2016, Healthcare, Hillary Clinton, National Healthcare, Obamacare, The Affordable Care Act, Videos
Election 2016, Healthcare, Hillary Clinton, Interviews, Videos

“Obama signs health care-20100323” by Pete Souza – President Obama Signs Health Insurance Legislation Into Law. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons. Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton told John Dickerson of CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday that “enough is enough” when it comes to attacks on the Affordable Care Act, President Barack Obama‘s signature […]