By Whatever Jones on
4chan, Taylor swift, Trump, white supremacists
Celebrity, Entertainment News, Right Wing Fanatics, White Nationalists, Women's Issues

Neo-Nazi’s lost it when Pop star Taylor Swift announced on Instagram that she’s endorsing Tennessee Democrat Phil Bredsen and then went on to denounce racism, sexism and homophobia. For the past several years, Swift has been seen as an “Aryan Goddess” by white supremacists, and when she decided to reveal her political views, she smashed […]
By Whatever Jones on
Andrew McCarthy, FBI investiagtion, Manafor plea deal, Mueller, pardon power, Trump
Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation

Conservative legal experts who’ve reviewed the plea deal between former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and special counsel Mueller are concerned about the lengths investigators have gone to in order to prevent Trump from pardoning Manafort, according to Politico. The experts say that provisions in the plea deal virtually “tie Trump’s hands.” The deal Manafort […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
2016, compromising information, impeachement, kompromat, lindsey graham, Russians, Trump
Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Republican Hypocrisy

Many social media users believe Russians may have compromising information — also known as “kompromat” — on Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Graham was a staunch critic of Donald Trump in 2016, but recent comments and actions by the senator have led a number of voters to believe there’s something nefarious going on. In February 2016, […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Claude Taylor, Eric Schneiderman, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, New York Attorney General Investigates Trump, NY investigates Trump, NYAG Schneiderman investigation, Russia, Schneiderman Trump investigation, Trump, Twitter

New York’s Attorney General is quietly looking at links between Trump and his organization to criminal activity – and if any charges are handed down, they will be at the state level. If you’re following U.S. politics, you’re probably familiar with special counsel Robert Mueller’s powerhouse FBI investigation into the Trump/Russia collusion scandal. It’s received all kinds of attention from mainstream media and […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Claude Taylor, Kimberley a.Johnson, Russia, Start Me Up podcast, Steph Walton, Trump
Russia, Russian Scandal

My podcast partner Steph Walton (@ladybrainshow) and I had the opportunity to interview with the self-described “Citizen Journalist and Bombthrower,” Claude Taylor (@TrueFactsStated) on the Start Me Up podcast. If you’re following the TrumpRussia storyline on Twitter, you might’ve run across Claude Taylor. He receives information from sources in the intelligence community as well as […]