By Samuel Warde on
Appearance of Guilt, Cooperating Witness, Fake News, McCarthyism in Modern America, Mueller Investigation Closes In On President, Presidential Tantrum, The New York Times, The Return of McCarthyism, Twitter Meltdown, Twitter Storm, Twitter Tantrum, witch hunt
Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Tantrums, Weird News

Fear seems to be setting in as Trump threw a Twitter-Tantrum Sunday morning, claiming “Mueller and his gang that make Joseph McCarthy look like a baby!” The walls appear to be crumbling around Trump in the wake of recent events. The jury of six men and six women return to court on Monday to continue […]
By Samuel Warde on
Kyle Griffin, Pot calling the Kettle Black, Seth Abramson, Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Tirade, White House hypocrisy
Fact-Checking Lies, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter Tantrum, Uncategorized
Trump gets called out for his mind-numbing hypocrisy. Twitter is Ground Zero for the Resistance with activists, entertainers, journalists, legal experts, politicians, and every day people like you and me pushing back against the Trump regime; and Kyle Griffin, the producer of MSNBC‘s “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell” and lawyer and university professor Seth […]
By Samuel Warde on
Appearance of Guilt, Fake News, Mueller Investigation Closes In On President, Presidential Tantrum, Twitter Meltdown, Twitter Storm, Twitter Tantrum, witch hunt
Twitter Tantrums, Weird News

Trump appears to be losing it – at last on Twitter – as Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation appears to be closing in on Paul Manafort – and by extension, Trump himself! In a stunning revelation, The New York Times reported Monday evening that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office has filed documents with the federal court accusing former […]
By Samuel Warde on
A Higher Loyalty, James Comey, James Comey Memoir, Truth Lies Leadership, Twitter Tantrum, White House Responds to Comey Memoir
Smackdowns, Social Media, Social Media Battles, Twitter Battles, Twitter Tantrum

Twitter responds to Trump’s hostile Twitter-tantrum attacking former FBI Director James Comey. The news has been filled this week with reports detailing plans by the Republican Party to discredit former FBI Director James Comey prior to the release of his “tell-all” book on Tuesday. Bloomberg reported that: The Republican party is rallying its army of […]
By Samuel Warde on
Fact checking White House claims, Obstruction of Justice, stock markets respond to White House, Twitter Tantrum, White House Lies
Smackdowns, Social Media, Social Media Battles, Twitter Tantrum, Uncategorized

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell, Twitter erupted, and Republicans turned against Trump in the wake of his weekend Twitter tantrum. The New York Times reported that “For months, President Trump’s legal advisers implored him to avoid so much as mentioning the name of Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, in his tweet, and […]