By Samuel Warde on
Admission of Guilt, Appearance of Guilt, Guilty Behaviors, Looming Impeachment, Presidential Mental Breakdown, Twitter Tantrums, Twitter Tirades
Seth Abramson, Social Media, Twitter Tantrums, Weird News

Experts predict that Trump is on the threshold of self-destruction, and his latest Twitter tirade certainly supports that premise. In a stunning revelation, The New York Times reported Monday evening that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office has filed documents with the federal court accusing former Trump campaign manager and longtime associate Paul Manafort of witness tampering. Former criminal […]
By Samuel Warde on
Best Insults, Best Online Insults, Mexico President Insults White House, Social Media Mockery, Social Media Trolls, Twitter Insults, Twitter Mockery, Twitter Tirades, Twitter trolls
Activism, Humor, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter, Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Trends

Vicente Fox doesn’t hold back when it comes to his feelings about Trump. Vicente Fox, the president of Mexico from 2000 to 2006, doesn’t mince words when it comes to his dislike of Trump. Time and time again, he has handed Trump his a** with hilarious videos mocking his beloved border wall, his policies, lack […]
By Samuel Warde on
Best Tweets 2017, Best Twitter Burns, Twitter Battles, Twitter Tantrums, Twitter Tirades
Social Media, Twitter, Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Trends

2017 has been a year for online shaming – with Twitter offering some of the best takedowns of the year. With Twitter being Trump’s favorite method of communication, the social media site has became a hotbed for online battles this year. From Trump to McCain… from Roy Moore to Susan Sarandon… Twitter has provided some […]
By Samuel Warde on
American Heritage, Bully Pulpit, Dark Racial Sentiment, Racism, Racism in America today, Racism in the White House, Racist Remarks, Racist Tweets, Twitter Tantrums, Twitter Tirades
Activism, Main Stream Media, Media, Racial Issues, Racial Justice

CNN is not holding back when it comes to their disdain for Trump’s long-standing racist remarks and tweets. CNN Editor-at-Large Chris Cillizza published a scathing analysis of Trump’s latest Twitter tantrum. While his article, titled “The dark racial sentiment in Trump’s NBA and NFL criticism” was a direct response to Trump’s weekend tirade – it also […]
By Samuel Warde on
Twitter Melt Downs, Twitter Meltdown, Twitter Tantrums, Twitter Tirades
Twitter, Uncategorized

Caught up in attacking a Democratic senator, it appears that Trump accidentally admits to collusion. After a rather calm week on Twitter, Trump took to his account Monday morning posting a series of tweets attacking Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal calling him a “a phony Vietnam con artist” whose comments should be ignored regarding the Russia investigation. […]