By Samuel Warde on
Common Core, Humor, Ted Cruz, tweets, Twitter
Education, Humor, Republican Logic, The Tea Party, Twitter

Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz is well-known for fighting lost causes, such as last year when he accidentally saved the day for President Obama’s presidential actions on immigration (although Republicans and Tea Partyers continue their hand at battling them). For some reason, Cruz seems to have a passion for making a fool of himself on […]
By Samuel Warde on
#GOPWantsWar, Activism, Twitter, Twitterbomb
Activism, Republican Logic, Republicans, Twitter

The hashtag #GOPWantsWar is now trending on Twitter in response to the #47Saboteurs who sent that absurd letter to Iran. If you are like me, and sick and tired of being sick and tired of #GOP-Warmongering, come on over to twitter and join the fun. Let’s show those #47Idiots what liberals and progressives can accomplish […]
By Samuel Warde on
Insults, Rand Paul, Smackdowns, Twitter, Vaccinations
Humor, Smackdowns, Twitter

Justin Miller, the senior editor for The Daily Beast, tweeted “f— you” at Rand Paul (R-KY) on Tuesday in response to his announcement that he was getting a measles vaccination. Paul posted a tweet, mocking liberals that said “Today I am getting my booster vaccine. Wonder how the liberal media will misreport this.” As you […]
By Samuel Warde on
Barack Obama, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Paris Solidarity March, Twitter, World News
Barack Obama, Controversy, Foreign Policy, World News

Add snubbing the French to the ever-expanding list of impeachable offenses conservatives are attempting to use against Obama in the court of public opinion. And we all know how much Republicans love the French, like the time the House of Representatives cafeterias switched the name of French Fries to FREEDOM Fries as part of a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Humor, Republicans, Those Silly Republicans, Twitter
Controversy, Humor, Republicans, Twitter

A Republican councilman from Frederick County, Maryland, stepped in it when he posted a threat on his Facebook page regarding an alleged “hit piece” about him published by The Frederick News-Post. In the post, Kirby Delauter wrote that the author of the piece, Bethany Rodgers, had “absolutely no morals or journalistic ability,” threatening that if […]