By Samuel Warde on
Batshit Crazy, Commentary, The Economy, Videos
Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Taxes, Videos

Professor Robert Thurman of Columbia University draws attention to the treasonous behavior of congress persons who have made pledges to Grover Norquist that contradict their pledges made to the United States as members of Congress. Prof. Thurman asks whether these Congressmen and Congresswomen serve the American people and the Constitution, or whether they serve Grover […]
By Samuel Warde on
LGBT Issues, Videos
LGBT Issues, States Issues, Videos

As reported by KOMO News, Sarah and Emily Cofer became the first same-sex couple in King County (Seattle, Washington) to get married at 1 minute past midnight. Six other states: Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Iowa, Massachusettes, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont had already enacted laws or had court orders issued permitting same-sex marriage, but […]
By Samuel Warde on
Batshit Crazy, The Economy, The Tea Party, Videos
Economics, Taxes, The Tea Party, Videos
Anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist warned the panelists on Sunday’s Meet The Press that the regulation and taxes which are part of President Barack Obama’s health care reform legislation are due to be implemented in Obama’s second term. In combination with the tax increases he is seeking as a resolution to the fiscal cliff, Norquist said […]
By Samuel Warde on
Humor, Satire, Videos

Ron Howard directs “Barack Obama gets a surprise visit from the Ex-Presidents”. Barack Obama gets a surprise visit in the night from ex-Presidents Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Clinton, Ford, Reagan and Carter to get a few pointers about the Consumer Financial Protection Agency and why it’s so important. Will Ferrell, Chevy Chase, Jim Carrey, Dan […]
By Samuel Warde on
Humor, Satire, Videos

The ever grumpy and conniving Newt Gingrich hatches a plan to steal Christmas…. and the White House. Narrated by Paul F. Tompkins You can find more fun videos from Funny or Die here: Published December 20, 2011 Watch this fun video, below: