Rich Kids For Romney (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post presents their exclusive Rich Kids For Romney spoof.
The Huffington Post presents their exclusive Rich Kids For Romney spoof.
Political illustrations of Mario Piperni. Without a doubt, Mario Piperni is one of the best political illustrators out there today. Be sure to check out his website for more exciting work. And be sure to catch Mario Piperni on Facebook as well.
Here are the 10 Best Political Ads ever. And by “best” we mean “insane.”
Watch the latest video at Fox News Commentator and Republican “Spin Doctor” Mike Huckabee is out in full force today trying to downplay Joe Biden’s obvious slam-dunk of Paul Ryan during last night’s vice-presidential debate. On Imus in the Morning on Huckabee, the former Republican Governor of Arkansas, started his attack by referring to the Vice President as […]
CNBC on-air editor Rick Santelli, who is credited with helping to launch the tea party movement, flew into a rage and got into an epic shouting match with Senior Economics Reporter Steve Liesman on Tuesday after he was asked to defend his apparent suggestion that the most recent jobs report had been doctored to help President […]